Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Lambeth and South Bank

March 9, 2011

Laura: I really enjoyed the Lambeth and South Bank walk. It was again nice to walk along the Thames. I always enjoy being around rivers, probably because I have lived so close to one my entire life. I loved walking past the London eye and seeing all of the street performers that were along there. I always find it enjoyable to watch them. It was a lovely day with a beautiful view of parliament across the river. I also loved walking by the museum of garden history. My guess is that it probably would be kind of boring but beautiful to look at. It bet it would be gorgeous when all of the plants and flowers are in bloom.

I think I would go so far as to declare this my favorite walk yet. I love the stretch of sidewalk that runs adjacent to the river, alongside the London Eye. There are benches periodically placed along the river and they're the perfect place to stop and overlook the river. I have found this to be one of my favorite places in London--being visibly surrounded by Big Ben, Westminster, Parliament and the London Eye really makes it feel like I'm in London, more so than any other place in the city. This part of town was especially busy for a weekday, there were street performers, business people, runners, rollerbladers, skaters and all over the place. I liked this walk so much that I've been back a few times since, simply to relax along the Thames and overlook the city's signature skyline.

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