February 21, 2011
Laura: This was a pretty good walk. I was most excited when we saw Twinnings. I had been wondering where it was and now I know! We took quite a few detours on this walk and went into a lot of the places we passed. I loved going into Twinnings especially because we learned about it a few weeks ago in history. Everything has so much more meaning when we learn about them before we go. It makes all of the places we go just that much better. I liked going over by Lincoln’s Inn Fields. I had actually wandered around in there before and over by the Royal Courts of Justice. I was over there before when I went to John Soane’s museum. I liked the museum, all of the things he collected were amazing.
Maddy: This was was nice, but not one of my most favorites. Not to reiterate everything Laura said, but I loved when we turned the corner and saw Twinnings! I thought it was interesting there was an entire legal district in London, a place where all of the lawyers congregate and work. Seeing as we were there in the mid-afternoon and all of the lawyers were busy working, it was quiet and almost eerily empty. We passed the Old Curiosity Shop, an interesting landmark that sparked some discussion within the group. Finally, Lincoln's Inn Fields provided a sweet escape from the city. I loved the way the square seemed isolated behind the gate and greenery, truly providing a bit of privacy and escape from the regular hustle of the city. I imagine the lawyers of the legal district enjoy this spot during their lunch breaks.
You look like twins with the parallel hairdos! I'm glad this walk led you to some sites you've heard about in class.